Could you please stop freaking out every time events throw us a damn curveball? Nothing is achieved!

If recent events prove anything, it is that if we are going to “start removing keys,” it would be wise to start at home…

You all need to focus on the game.

I don’t know what they think they’re doing, but it’s not influencing policy. We had a chance to go on the offensive after Biden put the toothpaste back in the tube, but that moment barely lasted a day. I don’t know what game they’re playing, but whatever it is, they’re not even playing proper defense. If we lose this election, it will be because they can’t get their lives in order. Worrying about anything is pointless.

We are here to debate and influence policy, not to have fun. I am fairly sure that the vast majority of you are sincere in your panic fears; but knee-jerk reactions, flights of fancy, wild speculation, outlandish theories, and the pursuit of any distraction are a waste of time, energy, and space. The recent displeasure over Biden’s debate performance is a clear example. Too many words were wasted debating why an elderly worker looked tired.

For most of us that question already has an answer…

We could have turned it into a disaster if we had closed ranks and gone into damage control mode, but you don’t do that. Instead of taking the time to process the news and think seriously about how we can manipulate the narrative in our favor, you just start running around like children. My daughter’s elementary school basketball team demonstrated more focus, coordination, and teamwork a month after learning the game.

It may surprise you, but I only post a fraction of what I bother to write. It’s not that I’m hiding anything from you, it’s just that I have a pretty good filter that prevents me from posting superfluous stuff that doesn’t really matter or stuff I might regret later. However, I don’t let that stop me from saying things that I think you all should hear. I’m sure I could do better.

We could all do better…

I’m not here to score points on the Internet, I’m not here to make mischief, I’m not here to pick fights with you, and I’m certainly not here for the stupid things some of you spend all day doing around here. I’m here to move the world in the direction I want it to go, if that’s even possible. The instant gratification you all chase is fleeting and ephemeral. Politics is about trends. It’s about image. It’s about controlling the narrative. The key is to peak on Election Day. When you all go off on a tangent, I feel like I have to run around putting out fires.

Speculation has its place, there is no doubt about that…

I am currently speculating that a small portion of you are here for no other reason than to sow discord, cause trouble, and stir up the waters. Most likely, some of them are professional, possibly foreign, agents who argue from both sides of every debate we have on this site. No doubt, their main goal is to create disorder, divide us, and undermine our team’s chances in the upcoming elections. If the results are any indication, then these hypocritical provocateurs seem to be very good at their job…

Now, I don’t mean to give you a new fear to be afraid of. These people can’t harm anonymous individuals, and they can’t harm us collectively if we don’t let them. They can, however, take advantage of our emotions… They act as an irritant or a balm. They won’t say the kinds of things that might get them denounced. No, their hope is to goad you into saying those things.

I just advise you to be careful…

All the fervor over breaking news distracts us from the important work we could be doing. We should be focusing on lower-ranking candidates, countering opposition attack ads, raising money, and getting people out to vote. We should be thinking of ways to entice undecided voters to vote for our candidates. We should be looking for ways to heal the division we all see and feel.

We shouldn’t be spending time on the Trump circus all day, every day. We need to focus on staying in control of the situation and moving forward toward our goals. We should focus our energy on looking ahead and making plans to create the reality we want to live in. When something gets in our way, we should ignore it, get over it, and move on.

We should act rather than react. We need to stop chasing every distraction…