Our take: Primary is an important step in the process – Austin Daily Herald

Our opinion: The primaries are an important step in the process

Posted at 17:22 on Friday, August 9, 2024

On Tuesday, the state will face its first major test for many candidates when primary elections are held to narrow the individual races to two candidates.

It’s an important milestone for candidates and their supporters as races become more competitive. Candidates’ positions become much more specific and the questions they are asked much more precise as they seek to get to know the candidates better.

For some, the positions will be familiar as they run for another term in hopes of continuing their work, and for others, they will be a blank slate with nothing to do. They are unknowns.

For all these reasons, primaries have an important place in the electoral process and deserve your time to cast your vote.

Primary elections have traditionally not had as much turnout as general elections, but they still represent a need for voter participation and engagement. The act of voting in the primary will not take up much of your time, but it is still your voice in how our city, our counties, and our state will approach the future.

Locally, there are three primaries in total: for Austin City Council District 1, District 3, and for Mayor, and we strongly encourage you, if you haven’t already, to exercise your right to participate in the primaries and make sure you have a say.

The old saying goes that it’s hard to complain when you’re not involved, and being part of something like this is putting the future of our area at stake.

For more information on primary voting, please visit the Mower County website at: