Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have supported allowing the death of newborns

Animals instinctively care for their young. Unless we choose to indulge in depravity, we cannot and should not vote for Kamala Harris as president and Tim Walz as vice president.

  • Donald W. Bohlken of Indianola is an attorney and retired administrative law judge with the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals.

The removal of judges on the grounds of abortion is a controversial issue. However, there should be no controversy in the case of voting against presidential or vice presidential candidates who refuse to ban a form of infanticide, the negligent killing of a living baby.

It is unthinkable that a public official could take such a position. Legally sanctioned infanticide is a relic of ancient barbarism and is not tolerated by civilized nations.

The mind shudders with horror at the suffering of a newborn baby who is allowed to die slowly while being denied hydration, nutrition and medical care.

Another view: With laws that disrespect women, this is not my grandmother’s Iowa.

Judging by Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris’s statements about her moral values, her opposition to negligent infanticide would seem obvious.

During her 2019 presidential campaign, Kamala Harris said: “I often think about the parable of the Good Samaritan… We all know that we should live and treat our neighbors as we would like to be treated…”

On August 19, 2020, Kamala Harris stated in her acceptance speech for the Democratic Party’s nomination for vice president that “we are united by the fundamental belief that every human being has infinite worth and deserves compassion, dignity, and respect.”

However, six months before accepting the nomination, on February 25, 2020, then-Senator Kamala Harris voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which mandated that babies who survived a failed abortion receive the same level of care as other babies born at the same gestational age.

Democratic vice presidential nominee Governor Tim Walz is portrayed as “America’s daddy” by his online supporters.

Real dads protect babies.

In Minnesota, during Walz’s tenure as governor, eight babies were born alive in botched abortions between 2019 and 2021. Despite being required by law to provide them with life-saving medical care, none were.

In 2023, Gov. Tim Walz signed a law ending both the requirement to report such births and the requirement to provide life-saving care to a baby who survives an abortion.

It is impossible to conceive how a major political party, or even a minor one, could knowingly select those candidates for president and vice president. Indeed, those facts about Kamala Harris and Tim Walz were likely not widely known.

The actions of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz that allowed the infanticide of babies born alive during abortions are now known.

Animals instinctively care for their young. Unless we choose to indulge in depravity, we cannot and should not vote for Kamala Harris as president and Tim Walz as vice president.

Donald W. Bohlken of Indianola is an attorney and retired administrative law judge with the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals.