Napa schools to add wellness coaches thanks to grant

This fall, Napa County schools will add 18 certified wellness coaches and 11 interns to their campuses thanks to a $1.7 million state grant.

Silverado High School counselor Lourdes Caravantes carries balloons on the Napa campus on the first day of school on Aug. 14.

Nick Otto, Register file photo

The Napa County Office of Education is distributing the funds across the county’s five school districts and partnering with local nonprofit agencies Mentis, UpValley Family Centers, On the Move and Aldea to place coaches throughout the county.

Coaches will be located on preschool through high school campuses and at existing student wellness centers. They will also work at NCOE sites serving expelled students and youth on probation.

The grant is funded by the California Department of Health Care Access and Information and is intended to help drive an expanded effort to improve student mental health and well-being.

“Wellness coaches will be able to provide important non-clinical services that support youth wellness, including wellness promotion, assessment, care coordination and crisis referral,” Associate Superintendent Julie McClure said in an NCOE statement.

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According to the county education office, grant funding will help establish wellness coaches in local schools until other state funds can cover individual districts’ costs.