USI hosts groundbreaking ceremony for The Shield Recreation, Fitness and Wellness Center

A ribbon-cutting ceremony and open house were held Tuesday at the renovated Recreation, Fitness and Wellness Center.

“I would also like to express my deepest gratitude to the State of Indiana for its continued support and capital funding that made this project possible,” said Interim President Steve Bridges.

Bridges said students will have better access to wellness, religious organizations and physical activity.

Interim President Steve Bridges delivers remarks at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Recreation, Fitness and Wellness Center on Tuesday. Photography by Alex Mendoza

RFWC resources and organizations include Public Safety, Counseling and Psychological Services, the USI Deaconess Clinic, Religious Life, the Office of Student Wellness, and University Strategic Communications.

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Robin Sanabria, director of CAPS, spoke about the new office location and said it was a validation of how important it is to take care of mental and emotional well-being. She also said this is a way they can carry out their mission as a service provider for students.

The Recreation, Fitness and Wellness Center will feature new furniture, equipment and lighting fixtures on Tuesday. Photography by Alex Mendoza

Public Safety Director Sam Preston said they were looking forward to moving to a new facility.

“First and foremost, we will be weather resistant, and that’s something we’re looking forward to,” Preston said. “A lot of times, our dispatcher has to grab a radio and run for cover during a storm.”

He also talked about being able to better monitor the campus with new equipment and having a space to meet with students and staff.

“As I often say, after 4:30 p.m., Public Safety becomes the face of the university,” Preston said. “And I think this is a great space for us to showcase what we do and what we do well, and to be that first point of contact for a lot of people.”

Attendees at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Recreation, Fitness and Wellness Center applaud speakers on Tuesday. Photography by Alex Mendoza

Attendees were invited to explore the renovated RFWC following the ribbon cutting. The RFWC is fully open to students and staff, with Hours vary throughout the week..