Vineyard wind turbines won’t have a serious impact on nearby whales

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NOAA believes the construction will only temporarily affect ocean wildlife.

AP, Archive

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says construction of the offshore wind project off Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket will only temporarily adversely affect nearby whales and will not threaten their existence.

The new opinion considers the effects of a proposed issuance of a new Marine Mammal Protection Act Incidental Harassment Authorization, which would allow a small number of marine mammals to be exposed to pile driving noise while the remaining 15 monopiles are being installed.

Construction of the pilings, NOAA determined, will not impact any designated critical habitat, and the agency does not anticipate serious injuries or mortality to endangered whales, including the North Atlantic right whale.

The Biological Opinion considers the effects on threatened and endangered species of the construction, operation, and eventual decommissioning of the project off the coast of Massachusetts.

NOAA says the Vineyard Wind project includes several measures designed to minimize, monitor, and report effects on endangered species. By incorporating the measures into the new opinion, NOAA believes any impacts to North Atlantic right whales will be limited to temporary behavioral alterations.

The unpublished report will supersede NOAA’s 2021 Biological Opinion on the project. Due to delays, Vineyard Wind was unable to complete pile driving activities before the incidental harassment authorization expiration date, rendering the latest opinion void.

The latest ruling will allow the company to complete its project.

The new Biological Opinion will be available online after publication in approximately five days.

Wind blade failure

Following the blade failure and debris in July, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management requested an emergency Section 7 consultation with NOAA Fisheries.

NOAA announced Friday that emergency consultation is ongoing and the agency has provided recommendations to minimize impacts on endangered species during response and cleanup efforts.

NOAA says the consultation will end once emergency response actions are complete.