Clues, Spangrams and Answers from the NYT’s ‘Strands’ Show for Today, Friday, August 30

Looking for Strands Thursday clues, spangrams and answers? You can find them here:

ForbesClues, Spangrams and Answers from the NYT’s ‘Strands’ Show for Today, Thursday, August 29

Happy Friday! This is the last day of my current period in our diary Strands guide. Tomorrow it will be my colleague Paul Tassi’s turn, while I will take over the NYT Thumbnail Crossword guide for next week on our little merry-go-round. That said, I had a lot of fun in the round of Strands Get out on the street. Let’s get to work…

Today’s NYT Strands Clues, spangrams and answers will be available immediately.

How to play Strands

The New York Times Strands Puzzle is a word game with the classic word search. It is now available on the NYT Games app along with other apps like Word and Connections (which we also cover in the Forbes Games Daily Guides).

There is a new game of Strands to play every day. The game will present you with a six by eight letter grid. The goal is to find a group of words that have something in common and you will get a clue as to what that theme is. When you find a theme word, it will remain highlighted in blue.

You’ll also need to find a special word called a spangram. This tells you what the words have in common. The spangram connects at least two sides of the board, but it can’t start or end there. While theme words won’t be a proper noun, the spangram can be a proper noun. When you find the spangram, it will remain highlighted in yellow.

Each letter is used once in one of the theme words and the spangram. You can connect letters vertically, horizontally, and diagonally, and it’s possible to change direction in the middle of a word. If you’re playing on a touch screen, double-tap the last letter to submit your answer.

If you find three valid words of at least four letters that are not part of the theme, you will unlock the Hint button. Clicking on it will highlight the letters that form one of the words in the theme.

Be warned: you’ll have to be on your toes. Sometimes you’ll have to fill in the missing words in a sentence. Other days, the game might revolve around synonyms or homophones. The difficulty will vary from day to day, and the puzzle creators will try to surprise you at times.

What is Strands’ track today?

Move slowly! Just after today’s track Strands Puzzle, I will reveal to you what the answer words are.

The official theme track for today Strand The puzzle is…

let’s Play

Need some extra help? Here’s another hint…

The main thing we cover in this section

There are six theme words to find today, including spangram.

What are today’s NYT Strands suggestions?

Spoiler alert! Don’t scroll any further down the page until you’re ready to discover today’s deal. Strands Tips.

Here are the first two letters of each word, including the spangram, in today’s puzzle:

What are today’s NYT Strands answers?

Before I reveal the other full list of words, I’ll first tell you the spangram and show you where it is on the grid.

This is yours Final spoiler warning!

From today Strands spangram is…


This is where you will find it in the grid…

The rest of today Strands Thematic words are…

  • HALO

This is what the full grid looks like…

Today’s grid left me both delighted and embarrassed.

As soon as I saw HALO in the bottom left corner, I knew the theme and quickly understood the spangram. Next were FALLOUT and UNCHARTED, followed by MINECRAFT.

Somehow, OVERWATCH was the last one I saw. Keep in mind, this is a game I’ve spent thousands of hours of my life playing. I get into it a little bit almost every day. I’ve traveled to esports events for this game and spoken to its developers multiple times. I’ve written literally hundreds of stories about it for this very website. And yet, it was the last word I found on the grid. Shame on me.

I didn’t use any clues and spangram was the second theme word I found.

That’s all for today. Strands Clues and Answers. Don’t forget to visit my blog for clues and the solution to Saturday’s game if you need them.

PS: I am very I’m curious to know how many of these franchises you’ve heard of if you need help with the current network. It would have been easier for a lot of people if I had included franchises like Mario, Zelda, Tetris, and others that date back to the 80s and 90s.

The games that are on the grid are some of the biggest ones out there right now. It’s easy for us gamers to get stuck in a bubble and not know what’s really getting noticed by the general public. So let me know in the comments below or shoot me an email. I’d love to hear about it.

PPS If you are not familiar with SupervisionDo yourself a favor and at least check out some of the amazing animated shorts Blizzard made to highlight the game and its wonderful characters: