A look into Donald Trump and Kamala Harris’s policies on the economy

  • Money is a topic of concern for people in our neighborhoods as the economy will be on people’s minds heading to the polling booths in November.
  • Both presidential candidates have different goals that affect the economy and our neighbors.
  • Video shows that local representatives from each political party say the presidential candidates will do for the country and the people of Michigan.

As the months draw closer to November, our neighbors are looking to make a decision, a choice that will impact their lives for the next four years.
Presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have different goals to raise the economy and lower inflation for the people in our neighborhoods.

“Inflation is a big deal cost of gas, cost of groceries,” Shinkle said.

Former state senator and Ingham county Republican co-chair Norm Shinkle knows Donald Trump’s policies and how they impact people in our neighborhoods.


Trump’s push to curb the rate of inflation would be to lower economic spending, close the borders as he says illegal immigrants attribute to higher taxes and create our own oil and gas companies.

“If we start producing oil and it starts being independent-energy independent price of gas goes down and with the price of gas going down so will the cost of inflation,” Shinkle said.

And on the other side of the political aisle…

“She’s pushing a lot of things that will help the everyday person,” Shor said.

Lansing Mayor Andy Schor knows of Kamala Harris’s economic policies after attending the Democratic National Convention in August.


Harris laid out her goals earlier this month including a federal ban on price gouging on food items, expanding the child tax credit up to $3,600, and giving $25,000 in down payment assistance to first-time home-buyers.

“They’re adding 3 million new units, we’re going to see a lot of that here in Lansing, and hopefully that means funding, assistance with tax credits, and assistance with pieces that come along with housing,” Shor said.

But both representatives believe: their candidate is the best for Mid-Michigan.

“Vice President Harris and Governor Walz have the plan, they have the attitude of wanting to help everyone,” Shor said.

“President Trump was there before so it’s not like we don’t know what he’s going to do. We know,” Shinkle said.

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