Boy finds entire shed blown into irrigation canal by wind

Irrigation districts find many strange and unusual objects in their canals, especially the larger ones: bicycles, tires, wood, toys, plus the usual trash. Now, you can add another unusual discovery.

Kennewick irrigation crews find an entire shed in a canal.

KID workers did not give the location of this discovery, but said that on Thursday, while monitoring the canals (ditch patrol), they found a metal shed that had blown into a larger canal.

It was a typical smaller model that you might find in backyards. Earlier this week, KID said it was torn off its base during a windstorm and washed into the canal, where it suffered extensive damage.

Crews were able to remove it before it damaged the canal, and fortunately the homeowner was not around when it happened.

KID and other districts remind people who live near canals to monitor their properties during windstorms because they can end up in the water.

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